Sherburne History Center

Sherburne History Center
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's April---Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

As you all probably have surmised, I am absolutely fascinated by the impact of weather on the community.  The blizzards, the tornadoes, the floods, and rain all generate interest and curiosity.  I have to wonder: how do all of these natural occurrences influence the character and history of Sherburne County?

Well, the date is 14 April 2011 and the weathermen are predicting snow for this coming weekend.  Nothing that will really stay around, but the snow storm will still be an inconvenience.

Looking back, I already know that snow is not unusual in Minnesota in April.  Going back more than a century, it seems snow is routine.  The Sherburne County Times in 1898 reported snow in the first week of April.  The fact that it snowed was not really news.  However, “two colts belonging to Jo and Will Clitty strayed in the snowstorm … and wandered into the yard of a Clear Lake farmer.”  When the farmer returned the colts he also presented the Clitty’s with a $6 boarding bill.  The newspaper concluded the small report with “This is neighborly kindness for you.”

The context of the newspaper suggests that snow in the Spring is common.  More than 100 years ago, the newspapers suggest that how neighbors deal with the snow is notable.  And, that is what makes the weather interesting. 

Okay, this is not snow from April, this is actually October 2010, but snow on the prairie is an interesting sight.

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